
4 ripe pears*
2 medium apples**
1 tsp ground cinnamon
pinch ground cloves
pinch ground nutmeg
  1. Peel, core and cut the fruit into chunks.
  2. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook over medium heat until mushy. This takes about 30 mins.
  3. Process sauce to desired texture.***
* I use Bartlett pears.
** I prefer Granny Smith for their tartness. Gala apples are a good choice if you like a sweeter sauce.
*** Today, I just used the back of a spoon to break down any large pieces, making a very chunky sauce. Usually, I run into through my manual food processor, which leaves some small chunks. When the twins were new to solid foods, I used my blender to make a very smooth sauce.

The spices are my family's preference, but this pear-and-applesauce is equally delicious with no spices all, smaller quantities, or different flavours. We eat it straight, but it would be great on oatmeal, granola or pancakes.


This blog is simply a collection of my culinary success stories/recipes. Some recipes are original, but most are adaptations (or wholesale adoptions) of other people's recipes. I also blog about the life and times of a working mother of twins.
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